

Registration for the 8th Clinical Seminar of Pathology & Surgery – CCIMS is single and unified, and it provides you with the opportunity to participate in all the activities of the Seminar. Specifically, it includes:

  • Attendance of the Scientific Program
  • Opportunity to present a free paper/poster
  • Participation in the Seminar’s Workshops
  • Attendance at the Opening Ceremony of the Seminar
  • Receipt of the Seminar Materials
  • Certificate of Attendance*
  • Participation in the Seminar’s Social Program (Coffee Breaks)

*According to the EOF regulation (81867/19-11-2012), all registered attendees are entitled to a Certificate of Attendance, provided they have completed 60% of the total hours of the Scientific Program. All registered participants in the Seminar will carry a barcode identity card, which will be used to track their attendance hours at the Seminar.

How to Register

You can make your registration either online at the link below or in person, by paying the required amount at the Office of the
by  he office of the EFIE of your Branch, by Friday 6 December 2024.

Possibility registration is also possible on Saturday 7 December 2024 at noon at the Royal Patras.